Visual Processing – Success in Treating Some Dyslexics

Drs. Brock & Fernette Eide, neurologists in Seattle, have evaluated and recommended treatment options for  many, many children with learning problems and special needs.  Drs. Eide have wonderful resources including their book, the Mislabeled Child.  They have been avid supporters of the explaining the importance of visual evaluations and vision therapy treatment for those children who show visual processing problems.

In their blog, they write, “While not all children or adults with dyslexia have visual processing problems, many–at least two-thirds in some studies–do. This makes sense from a neurological standpoint, because several of the structural neurological features associated with dyslexia appear to predispose to visual difficulties.

The role of visual challenges in dyslexia has a long and contentious history. Although the authors of the recentconsensus statement on Vision and Dyslexia were trying to clarify the most effective approach to diagnosing and treating visual processing issues in dyslexia, their statement is more likely to misinform than inform. ”
Click here to read:  More Vision Wars: Visual Training for Dyslexics


By Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, Colorado Optometrist in Vision Therapy & Visual Processing


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