Tip #5: EYE TRACKING Activity

Eye calisthenics:

1. Breathe in and look straight ahead.
2. Breathe out and look as far up as possible, and hold that position for several seconds.
3. Breathe in and look straight ahead.
4. Breathe out and now look as far to the right as possible, and hold that position for several seconds.
5. Breathe in and look straight ahead.
6. Breathe out and look to your far left, again holding for several seconds.
7. Repeat this series of exercises, looking in all directions. Continue to breathe in while looking straight ahead, and then breathe out while holding your gaze in each direction. “Stretch” as far as possible. You may feel discomfort at first, which often improves with time and practice. Do these calisthenics at least twice a day for several minutes each time.



By Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, Colorado Optometrist in Vision Therapy

Lynn Hellerstein
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