The Godiva Gift

Here is a beautiful note from Sariel, my brother-in-law, recalling a touching situation we experienced together in NYC.

We were walking through NYC,  my sister-in- law Lynn,  my life partner Jerry and myself,  when we  saw a Godiva store… So we decided to go in .  “Maybe we can get a chocolate there???

Laughingly, I asked the lady behind the counter, “Do you sell chocolate here?” 

She said, “Oh you are a mischief!”

We started chatting, and she offered us the monthly pass to get a free chocolate.  We all gladly gave our email to become Godiva monthly members.

We found out that it was her birthday that day, so we sang (in 3 part harmony) Happy Birthday- in the middle of the Manhatten Godiva store.

We continued to talk when the lady told us that she has cancer and is going through a very rough time now.  She told us about her grandson who has learning disabilities. She shared that she had been getting therapy for her emotional distress, but still was having a difficult time.  We discussed the power of visualization, in relaxation and for learning.

Lynn told her about her new book that has just come out… See It. Say It. Do It! 

And Lynn took it out of the bag and showed it to her.

“ How much is it ?”  she asked.

“Its $25.”  The lady apologized and said, “I won’t have any money until payday, and I’d really like to buy one then.”    

Lynn said, “Here, you can have it  right now for $ 10.00.”

“That’s so nice,”  she said,” but I still need to wait for my next pay check.  I can’t even afford this now … but I will wait.”

Lynn commented, “No big deal.  Here’s the book, you can send me a check whenever you can.” 

At that moment I remembered that I’m playing the game 29/29 – 29 gifts in 29 days.  I give gifts for 29 days and it can be to any one any stranger and any amount.  I realized that that day I haven’t given a gift yet!  So I took out a $ 10.00 bill and gave it to Lynn .. and Lynn gave the book to the lady.

The lady was sooo surprised.  She started to cry.  She hugged us and called us the angels  that came to her that day.  That she hasn’t lost faith in good in the world.

We all cried as we said our good-byes and left the store.  We turned and looked at each other on the sidewalks of Manhattan, bewildered by the most beautiful event that had occurred.  How little gifts can make such a difference!

Sariel Beckenstein

Riverdale, NY

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