Tag Archives | visualization


Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, here’s how it changes your brain

Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at MHarvard Medical School, was one of the first scientists to take the anecdotal claims about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness and test them in […]

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Dr. Deb Sandella


Dr. Deborah Sandella, founder of the RIM Institute, has just published her new book. GOODBYE, HURT & PAIN: 7 SIMPLE STEPS FOR HEALTH, LOVE, AND SUCCESS

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Dr. Lynn Hellerstein Presentation

Join us on March 31 for a groundbreaking seminar on visual processing by Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, O.D.!

Q: Who is Dr. Lynn Hellerstein O.D.? A: Dr. Lynn Hellerstein is a developmental optometrist who specializes in preventive and functional vision care, including vision therapy. She is a highly […]

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The Power of Visualization

FREE Workshop at Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center PC. Experience how visualization can help your sports, academics and stress.

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New Pathways to Practice Video Featuring Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

The new Pathways to Practice video features Lynn Hellerstein, OD, FCOVD, FAAO. Dr. Hellerstein discusses Raising the Profile of Vision Therapy.

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See It. Say It. Do It!

SIODEC Interview on See It. Say It. Do It!

SIODEC Interview on See It. Say It. Do It!

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50 Tips To Improve Your Sports Performance

50 Tips to Improve Your Sports Performance – Japanese

Books & Rights Market Place has just featured 50 Tips to Improve Your Sports Performance.

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Come with Me to Spain

Join me for the Siodec conference in Gijon, Spain. I will be speaking on “The Power of Visualization” on May 13-14, 2015. My vision therapist, Cindy, will be presenting with me.  Looking […]

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Livie your life

Achieving Your Childhood Dreams and Other Lessons!

Tell the truth! All the time!

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The Power of Visualization

Workshop is in English with Spanish translation

  • Visual Information Processing-Beyond the Basics (4 hours translated)

Visual information processing (VIP) evaluation sequence will be reviewed.   This course emphasizes how to interpret the VIP evaluation and relate the findings to the child’s development, behavior and academic performance.  Case studies reviewing the VIP testing of students who have been labeled: gifted, “dyslexic”, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, and autism spectrum are presented.

  • Brain Based Visual Strategies (2 hours translated)

The discovery of neuroplasticity, that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains, even into old age, is the most important breakthrough in our understanding of the brain in 400 yrs. Optometrists can use this innate ability to treat a variety of visual system disorders.

  • Visualization: A Multi-Sensory Approach (2 hours translated)

Visualization is the ability to imagine, sense, become aware of, move, manipulate & expand the pictures in your “mind’s eye” & the feelings or senses in your body… thereby developing new perspectives and creativity.  Experience the power of a multi-sensory approach to visualization utilizing seeing, hearing, touch, smell and taste imagery as well as body sensation.

  • Integrating Your Internal & External Vision (4 hours translated)

In this highly interactive presentation, you will learn how to use the See It. Say It. Do It!® process.  This is a fun and en-“lightening” course which allows you to explore visualization within yourself, so that you can more effectively utilize these strategies for vision therapy patients.  Explore your creative power: inspire and transform yourself, your students, and your patients!

  • Visual Processing & Academics: New Strategies for Improving Reading, Spelling, Math & Creative Writing Skills (4 hours translated)

Learn specific visualization strategies to help improve reading comprehension and fluency, spelling, creative writing, and math facts.  Help your child/ patient with two of the biggest school stressors …homework and test anxiety.

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