Tag Archives | Vision Therapy

Vision Revision For ADHD Diagnosis — Research Summary

It may be common, but the stats are still staggering. Last year, 4.5 million U.S. kids were diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. That’s more than seven percent […]

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See It. Say It. Do It! Another Great Review!

Thanks to Mardy Ross, OTR, Senior Contributor to the excellent website, Lumigrate… a site dedicated to “lighting the path to health and well-being.”  Mardy’s site is very integrative in nature, […]

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Another Joint Statement Regarding LD, Dyslexia, & Vision – A Rebuttal

Joseph Manley, MD a physician and medical-legal expert witness states that , “The conclusions (particularly the failure to recommend optometric vision therapy for children likely to benefit from it) of […]

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What Are These People DOING?

Take a look at the picture below.  Why are all these student walking around looking through hand-made “telescopes”? This picture was taken during my lecture at Regis University, during the […]

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Visual Tracking & Academic Performance

“In my experience, “visual tracking” is a term that seems to be universally recognized by classroom teachers, yet frequently misunderstood for the relationship of this visual ability to reading and […]

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Vision Therapy Changed Jillian's Life

Before November 2008, 11-year-old Jillian Benoit used to see two of her mom — and any other person in her peripheral line of sight. She thought holes in the ground […]

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So Much to be Thankful For

November’s E-Newsletter is dedicated to Thanksgiving, one of my favorite inspirational holidays. Thanksgiving is a time for me to acknowledge and be thankful for all my blessings. Yes, this should […]

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Colorado Avalanche Website Features See It. Say It. Do IT! ORGANIZE IT!

Is getting out the door to hockey practice tougher than the scrimmage? Does your child procrastinate, only to become frustrated in a mad scramble to find equipment and clothes? Do […]

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2E-Twice Exceptional Newsletter-Great Review of See It. Say It. Do It!

Many thanks to J. Mark Bade, Co-Publisher of 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter for his wonderful review of my book, See It. Say It. Do It! The review provides an extensive explanation […]

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Some Veterans Return With 'Hidden' Vision Problems

Vision injuries are far more common than anyone had expected. Goodrich estimates that at least 6,000 Iraq and Afghanistan vets have suffered visual damage as a result of brain injury.  To […]

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