Tag Archives | successful kids

How Do You Use Visualization?

Visualization has been the topic of the last several blogs on my website.  We’ve discussed the importance, process and tricks for utilizing visualization strategies. Now I’d like to hear from […]

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Say it

Say IT: A Declaration—Exclaim It

Say IT:  A Declaration—Exclaim It Purpose: Learn how to make a declaration. Instructions: Discuss a concern that you or your child brings up. It could be a school, work, family or […]

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The Power of Visualization 

The Power of Visualization  Dr. Lynn F. Hellerstein, O.D., FCOVD, FAAO Do you have test anxiety? Does your child lack self-esteem and confidence? Would you like to empower yourself to […]

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Teaching children to become successful through visualization

Empower children to learn easier with more success and confidence by using the See It! Say It! Do It! process of visualization combined with action.

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Four Guy Kawasaki-Inspired Tips for Creating Successful Kids

Motivating! If one word sums up Guy Kawasaki’s talk at the Author U Extravaganza in Denver earlier this month, that would be it.

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