Don’t let your age, or your vision, hold you back… If you aren’t familiar with the Ironman event, it includes a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile […]
Tag Archives | imagery

Can an Ironman be Limited by Vision? Meet Reynold!

Open Your Eyes Podcast-Host Dr. Kerry Gelb
My gratitude to Dr. Kerry Gelb, host of the Podcast, Open Your Eyes, for a wonderful in-depth interview on vision therapy/developmental vision. Dr. Kerry highlights my 40+ years of work in […]

The POWER of Visualization- FREE LECTURE
Are you interested in learning about how visualization can change your life? #1 Amazon International Best-Selling Author, Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, shares how the power of visualization can help you break through internal barriers and create new possibilities for […]

My Healing Journey: What No One Is Talking About
To inspire and empower millions of people through visualization so that they see and experience their world through the lens of clarity, courage, and confidence. Their futures will be brighter […]

Dr. Sam Berne Podcast with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein
Dr. Sam Berne Eye Clarity Podcast featuring Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Visit The Greatest Art Museum in the World!
I love summer…I love nature! So how do I spend my summer days in Colorado? Out in nature! Nature provides the greatest art museum in the world…the colors, interactions, multi-sensory […]

Visualization- for Sports and Performance Video Presentation- Part 3/3/
Visualization for Sports and Performance Learn about the importance of enhancing visualization for sports, music, and optimal performance in life.

Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, here’s how it changes your brain
Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at MHarvard Medical School, was one of the first scientists to take the anecdotal claims about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness and test them in […]

Enhance Your Visualizations: RELAX, Breathe, Build Awareness #2
Here’s another fun activity to help your child learn how to relax.

Enhance Your Visualizations: RELAX, Breathe, Build Awareness
Relaxing is one of the key ingredients to great visualizing.