
See It. Say It. Do It!® Autographed Book



See It. Say It. Do It! The Parent’s and Teacher’s Action Guide to Creating Successful Students & Confident Kids – Autographed

Would you like effective steps to help a child who

  • Struggles in school?
  • Resists reading or writing?
  • Has difficulty with sports?
  • Has test anxiety?
  • Seems smart in everything but school?
  • Lacks confidence?

Learning is largely visual. This pioneering book gives parents, teachers, and therapists proven solutions to unblock a child’s ability to learn and perform — by training the visual brain.

Visualization is a powerful technique used by adults. Why not give kids the same tool? Because kids are on a rapid learning curve, introducing visualization early gives them an advantage in school, sports, social skills — almost anything they set their minds on doing.

With the SEE IT. SAY IT. DO IT! process, kids make dreams a reality
Practical, step-by-step strategies and activities teach kids how to create pictures in their minds, declare their goals, and take action to make their dreams a reality – via Dr. Hellerstein’s pioneering SEE IT. SAY IT. DO IT! process. Using this process, children:

  • Grow confident
  • Create strategies to overcome obstacles and barriers
  • Succeed in school
  • Develop a joy for learning
  • Enhance sports performance

In this book
This delightfully illustrated book includes focused activities, plus tips on fitting them into daily routines.

  • Part One – What you need to know about visualization and your child’s vision development.
  • Part Two – How the SEE IT. SAY IT. DO IT! process teaches children to become effective by visualizing an intention, declaring it, and taking action. Expect transformation: for kids, that’s a huge “ta-dah”!
  • Part Three – Strategies for success in reading, spelling, math, creative writing, doing homework, and coping with test stress. Applications to music and sports.
  • Part Four – Personal growth, from getting along with others to dealing with emotional situations.
  • Appendix – Vision therapy in more detail, results research.
  • Glossary – Vision terms and resources.


Dr. Lynn Hellerstein’s work has been life-changing…. Nonreaders became avid readers; resistant writers embraced writing passionately; children who could not spell became competent spellers; uncoordinated children became athletes…. I am delighted that Dr. H has created this practical guide…

—Linda Kreger Silverman, Ph.D., Psychologist and Director
Gifted Development Center
Denver, CO