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Expand Your Vision

The POWER of Visualization- FREE LECTURE

Are you interested in learning about how visualization can change your life? #1 Amazon International Best-Selling Author, Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, shares how the power of visualization can help you break through internal barriers and create new possibilities for […]

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My Healing Journey: What No One Is Talking About

To inspire and empower millions of people through visualization so that they see and experience their world through the lens of clarity, courage, and  confidence. Their futures will be brighter […]

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Fears create obstacles and often stop you from moving forward in life.

Meet Joni … A Doctor Whose Perfectionism Almost Paralyzed Her

Fears create obstacles and often stop you from moving forward in life. Sometimes, change can be made without having a sledgehammer fall on you. For many, just a few minutes […]

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Many kids are misdiagnosed as having learning disabilities.

Did you know that 80% of learning is visual? Yet one out of four children in the U.S. has an undiagnosed visual problem that impacts his or her learning? Many […]

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See It. Say It. Do It!

Why visualizing images is so important for young readers, and how to foster the skill

Washington Post writer, Danna Lorch, writes a wonderful article about “Why visualizing images is so important for young readers, and how to foster the skill”. My first award-winning book, See […]

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My new book hit 12 number #1's in Amazon Categories over the weekend.

Colorado Author Becomes Instant Bestseller

Thanks to many of you…for your support, reviews, book purchases and comments. I am now a “Multiple award-winning author” thanks to your help! Per the most recent press release: Vision […]

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Expand Your Vision

The New Book Expand Your Vision is Free Today!

Multiple book award-winning vision expert Dr. Lynn Hellerstein launched her latest book, Expand Your Vision: How to Gain Clarity, Courage, and Confidence today, July 29th. The eBook will be free […]

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Lynn Podcast

Visualizing Your Author and Publishing Success – Podcast

Listen to the Podcast Here! Author and Vision expert Dr. Lynn Hellerstein joins host Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd, for an insightful episode on AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. […]

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Betty's Painting

Meet Betty … Legally Blind, Yet an Artist Seeing Beyond What’s Clear

Do you have perfect eyesight yet are blind to the world around you? Meet Betty … Legally Blind, Yet an Artist Seeing Beyond What’s Clear. When I first started practicing […]

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Expand Your Vision Beyond Sight to Gain Clarity, Courage & Confidence

Denver, CO. July 1, 2021 – Multiple award-winning vision expert Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, is launching her latest book, Expand Your Vision: How to Gain Clarity, Courage, and Confidence next month on […]

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