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Major Mom Angela Cody-Rouget - Vision Beyond Sight with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Get Your Home Organized The Major Mom Way with Angela Cody-Rouget (Episode #37)

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Angela Cody-Rouget, a.k.a. Major Mom, to talk about home organizing through the Major Mom Method, and the impacts of having a disorderly home. She is […]

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Copy of Vision Beyond Sight Podcast Guest Covers (12)

The Power of Visualization (Part 2) – Utilizing Visualization For Academic Success with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight continues her series on the power of visualization. On the second episode, she talks about utilizing visualization for academic success. She discusses how powerful visualization can help with […]

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Linda Powers-Leviton - Vision Beyond Sight with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein Ep 28

The ABC Process for Clarifying and Manifesting Your Desires with Linda Powers-Leviton (Episode #28)

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Linda Powers-Leviton, author, therapist, and director of the West Coast operations of the Gifted Development Center. She talks about the ABC process for clarifying […]

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Copy of Vision Beyond Sight Podcast Guest Covers (10)

The Power of Visualization (Part 1) with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight starts her series on the power of visualization. On this first episode, she talks about the basics of visualization—its definition, method and impact—and the importance of […]

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Craig Knippenberg - Vision Beyond Sight with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Creating Extraordinary Social and Emotional Groups for Kids with Craig Knippenberg

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Craig Knippenberg, a multi-awarded mental health consultant, author, podcast host, creator of CONNECT Social Skills Group Program, and founder of Colorado’s largest private […]

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Agi Keramidas - Vision Beyond Sight with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Stand Out and Take Action Through Personal Development Mastery with Agi Keramidas

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Agi Keramidas, podcaster, knowledge broker, and host of global top podcast Personal Development Mastery. He talks about personal development and his venture of helping […]

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Dr. Jennifer Zolman - Vision Beyond Sight with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Celebrate Vision and Learning Month and Discover the InfantSEE Program with Dr. Jennifer Zolman

Dr. Jennifer Zolman, multi-awarded optometrist, owner and CEO of the Draisin Vision Group talks about Vision and Learning Month in August and the InfantSEE Program. She also sheds light on why 20/20 vision may not be […]

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Vision Beyond Sight: Listen to Our Latest Episodes!

Thanks to so many of you for subscribing and listening to my first published podcasts on Vision Beyond Sight!  I am so very excited with the response and feedback that […]

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Alex Andrich - Vision Beyond Sight with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Sports Vision and Rehabilitation of Vision After a Sports-Related Concussion with Dr. Alex Andrich

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Dr. Alex Andrich, an optometrist, performance vision coach and lecturer. He is the co-founder of The Vision Development Team and the International […]

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Dr. Audrey Boxwell - Vision Beyond Sight with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein 2

PsycheHike and The Power of Movement to Heal Body, Mind and Spirit with Dr. Audrey Boxwell

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Dr. Audrey Boxwell, a psychotherapist and pastoral counselor. She talks about the program she developed called PsycheHike® that focuses on walking, hiking and all […]

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