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Light bulb - Practice Visualizing

The Light Bulb – Practice Visualization

Let’s practice visualizing! It’s not just about seeing a picture in your mind. The more sensations your child brings into her visualization, the stronger and more meaningful it becomes. Encourage […]

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Developmental model of vision

The Developmental Vision Model

This represents a DevelopmentalModel of Vision. The outer circle represents the life activities that are important to your child: school, work, coordination/sports, play, relationships and success in life. A strong […]

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My Ape Is - Tapping into your imagination

My Ape Is…Tap Into Your Imagination

Imagination has no boundaries. The following activity taps the imagination–its one that kids of all ages can do–it can be done almost anywhere. The siller the responses, the better!

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See It. Say It. Do It!

Tip #34: Fears create obstacles and often stop us from moving forward in life

Fears can terrify and even immobilize you. They may make you feel weak, helpless or frustrated. You may be fearful of looking stupid or failing, or even fearful of your […]

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Tip #33: Transformation- Ta-Dah!

A Ta-Dah! moment is when goals are accomplished and dreams are realized.

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Dr. Lynn Hellerstein completing her first and only marathon!

Tip #32: TAKE ACTION Action plan

See It. Say It. Do It!® Organize It! (Fishman, Dunnigan, Hellerstein, 2011) is a workbook created just for you!

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Do It 2!

Tip #31:TAKE ACTION Do It!

Do It! component is to first create a visualization, make a strong declaration and then take actions to make the project happen.

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See It. Say It. Do It!

Tip #30: DECLARE Get inspired

Create a chart of inspired declarations to help counter negative thoughts.

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Say It!  Declare It!

Tip #29 DECLARE Declarations are powerful – positive or negative!

Your declaration is what moves you.

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Tip #28: DECLARE Say It!

Say out loud what you want to happen; say it like it already has come true.

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