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Balloon trip - Visualization

Take an “Imaginary” Hot Air Balloon Trip

This activity emphasizes relaxing, breathing, quiet, safety and fun…great for kids…great for adults.

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Dr. Lynn Hellerstein with SCCO students

COVD Tour de Optometry Visit at Ketchum U (SCCO Optometry School)

Thanks very much to the faculty and students at SCCO for collaborating with #COVD on a wonderful, exciting Tour de Optometry visit.

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Tinted lenses

Light sensitivity and headaches relieved by tinted lenses

KW, 19 year old female, suffered from #headaches and #lightsensitivity for years.

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#42 Sports Vision Training – Power of #Visualization

I felt calm, centered, and completely capable. It was also a great moment of team connection.

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Tip #41 Visualization – Sports prep for a team. Improve your vision!

Sports preparation starts with working on your own personal preparation. If you play on a team, next is to bring yourself—strong, powerful, and confident—to the team. If you’re a coach, the next exercise is […]

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Tip #39 VISUALIZATION Script for teens & adults

1. Sit in a comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted. 2. Relax your body and take several long, slow breaths. Use belly breathing if you’d like…

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visualization for kids sports 2

Tip #38 VISUALIZATION Sports preparation.

The first time you try imagery (visualization), it’s helpful to have a skilled facilitator or practitioner walk you through the process.

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Tip #37 VISUALIZATION Script for ages 9-13

Visualization for kids sports: PARENT: Find a relaxing place to sit or lie down. Breathe in and out (pause). In and out. Gently close your eyes and allow your body […]

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Gymnast colored

Tip #35 It’s never too early to start visualizing.

Even young kids can benefit from visualization. Young or older, the key is to practice DAILY—at home or at your sports activity.

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Back to school eye exams

Eye Focusing and Eye Teaming Resource for Parents, Educators and Other Professionals

The Binocular Vision, Perception and Pediatric Optometry Section of the American Academy of Optometry released a position paper titled, “Optometric Care of the Struggling Student: For Parents, Educators and Other […]

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