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Radio Interview with Dr. Hellerstein

Join me at 2PM ET on Thur., July 8, 2010 for a radio interview with Dr. Anthony Kane, MD.  Dr. Kane is a pediatrician who had extensive experience helping kids […]

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Beauty & The Best by PHAMALY

PHAMALY (The Physically Handicapped Actors and Musical Artists League) is a theatre group and touring company that performs throughout the greater Denver area. PHAMALY brings a unique and unusual approach to […]

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Interview With Dr Kane – ADD Specialist

As both a physician and the creator and former director of special education at his local elementary school, Dr. Kane has extensive experience helping parents of ADD ADHD children.   […]

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Assistive Technology Symposium – Join Me!

Join me on June 15, 2010 at the Assistive Technology Symposium.  See the latest equipment and computers to help children and adults with special needs.  Its a great inspirational group. […]

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Have You Ever Hit the Rim-A Place That You Want To Step Beyond?

RIM, a method created by Dr. Deb Sandella, psychologist, has truly impacted my life.  It is not traditional psychotherapy.  Rather, it is a very mindful, honoring method to assist people […]

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Excellence in Education-Delta Kappa Gamma

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is a professional honorary Society of women educators. The Society promotes professional and personal growth of its members and excellence in education.  As a […]

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Learning & the Brain Research-Join Me

Many of you have requested information regarding the Learning & the Brain Conference that I attended in Feb. 2010 in San Francisco.  This is a national interdisciplinary scientific and education conference that […]

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Ta-Dah! Great See It Say It Do It Seminar in CA

What a great group of optometrists, vision therapists and students.  Cindy, my vision therapist, and I shared 13 hours of lecture, video, demonstrations and experiences together.  It was fun and […]

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Don't Miss Out! Optical Trunk Show-Free Food, Great Savings-TODAY

Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, PC & Dimensions in Sight LLC are proud to bring you their 2010 Annual Optical Trunk Show.  Great savings on popular, classy frames and lenses. […]

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San Diego Here WE come

Cindy, my vision therapist, and I are preparing to present a 2-day course in San Diego for the Behavioral Vision Seminar this weekend, May 16-17, 2010.  The title of the […]

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