Many thanks to J. Mark Bade, Co-Publisher of 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter for his wonderful review of my book, See It. Say It. Do It! The review provides an extensive explanation […]
Some Veterans Return With 'Hidden' Vision Problems
Vision injuries are far more common than anyone had expected. Goodrich estimates that at least 6,000 Iraq and Afghanistan vets have suffered visual damage as a result of brain injury. To […]
Sensory Processing Foundation Symposium
Excellent lectures were presented at the symposium. Numerous professionals (MDs, PhDs, OTs, ODs) presented research, testing and therapy information. The parent network for children with sensory processing disorder (SPD) is […]
3-D Vision Syndrome
The 3D Vision Syndrome (3DVS) is comprised of a group of symptoms that collectively indicate a functional vision disorder while watching 3D content. 3DVS symptoms include but are not limited to […]
B's Ballpark Museum Honored at Sabr Event
Bruce Hellerstein, curator of B’s Ballpark Museum (and my husband) was recently honored at the Annual Dinner of the CO SABR group (Society of Baseball Researchers). The award was a […]
James Malinchak Learns About See It. Say It.Do It!
James Malinchak, one of the most positive and energetic young motivating public speakers on success and achievement, takes a few moments to take a picture with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, author […]
Great Interns At Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center
Externs from schools of optometry around the country spend several months rotation at my optometry practice, Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, PC. These schools include Illinois College of Optometry, Pacific […]
Jeremy Bloom Grants Wishes to Seniors
Jeremy Bloom, a young, very attractive Olympic Skier and Professional Football Player, has helped numerous seniors fulfill their dreams. Jeremy has created a non-profit foundation that grants the wishes of […]
Dr. Glen "Bubba" Steele Visits B's Ballpark Museum
The esteemed Dr. Glen “Bubba” Steele honored us with his presence at B’s Ballpark Museum this weekend. Bubba was in Denver for the APHA (American Public Health Association) Vision Care […]
They'll Laugh At Me…I Must Be Stupid
In my vision therapy practice, we’ve observed hundreds of children improve their tracking, focusing, eye teaming and visual information processing skills. Reading frequently improves throughout the vision therapy program. Some […]