Thanks to Dr. Dom Maino for his blog post about this unbelievable opportunity- 3D movie with music in the symphony hall. Per Dr. Maino’s blog: ….Symphony Hall will never before […]
Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference
Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center PC participated in exhibiting at the 1st Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference in Denver CO April 15-16, 2011. Numerous disciplines were present for education, networking […]
Don't Miss Out! Visualization-Key to Successful Learning- In Chicago
It’s not to late to register for the Learning & the Brain Conference in Chicago, May 5-7, 2011. Join me as one of the featured speakers, along with a very […]
American Federation of Teachers (AFT)-Eliminate Vision Problems From Schools
As part of the 2011 American Optometric Summit on Focus on Vision, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT- representing 1.5 million teachers, paraprofessionals other school-related personnel, higher education faculty and […]
Vision & Learning Readiness- Summit in Washington DC
I was honored to be the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) representative at the 2011 School Readiness Summit: Focus on Vision (April 11-12, 2011) in Washington DC. The […]
Dyslexia and Vision Problems – NEW RESEARCH
The discussion continues-many reading specialist still believe that vision has nothing to do with reading. My first response to them is, “Cover your eyes, now read.” That doesn’t make them […]
New Brain Injury Law to Protect Young Athletes in CO
This hard-won piece of legislation will keep our CO youth athletes safe for the years to come. It requires that coaches get education on how to recognize a concussion, that […]
Best Marketing Tip Ever! Don't Try This One-It's Dangerous!
The marketing field is a fascinating high-tech industry these days. As I learn about how to share my expertise through social media, press releases, speaking, etc. it is challenging to […]
Vision Therapy Success – Hear It from One Mom
How vision therapy is saving Stella’s toes, and then some. Posted on March 22, 2011 by amberhj The hardest working toes in the business (of running around) Stella is a toe-walker. She’s been […]
Transform Your Life! RIM Course
The RIM personal intensive is an intensive 4 day course for 10 special people who are ready to quickly dissolve hidden blocks, liberate their strengths and accelerate their momentum towards […]