Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Melissa Davey, documentary filmmaker, producer and director, to talk about how at age 65, she decided to quit her long corporate career and […]

Singing Bowls for Personal Healing: Stop the Mind Chatter and Welcome Relaxation with Ann Martin (Episode #120)
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Ann Martin, Sound Worker, Musician, and Creator of BLISSbowls™ Sound Healing and Meditation Methods – online classes that offer a contemporary approach […]

The Wonder of Writing a Book: How To Add “Author” To Your Name with Judy Katz (Episode #119)
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Judy Katz, award-winning ghostwriter and book publisher and promoter, to talk about the wonder of writing a book and how people can add […]

How Unrecognized and Untreated Concussions in Kids Cause Vision and Learning Issues with Dr. Patrick Quaid (Episode #118)
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Dr. Patrick Quaid, Neuro-Optometrist, published Vision Science researcher, best-selling author, and international lecturer, to talk about kids with vision and learning issues. […]

A World Made New: Channeling Books Through Spirit Guides with Paul Selig (Episode #117)
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Paul Selig, one of the foremost spiritual channels working today, to talk about channeling books through his spirit guides and becoming a “medium […]

Start Your Intermittent Fasting Journey and Fast Forward Your Wellness with Laurie Lewis (Episode #116)
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Laurie Lewis, wellness coach & intermittent fasting expert, to talk about how to do intermittent fasting to fast forward your wellness. Tired of frustrating […]

Pick Up Your Paintbrush and Paint Your Vision: A Future of Fun, Joy and Light with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein (Episode #115)
The end of the year is at hand and Dr. Lynn Hellerstein has a special message on Vision Beyond Sight. Having produced 115 episodes garnering more than 7,100,000 downloads in the past […]

The Link Between Autoimmunity and the “Good Girls”: Rising from Being a Girlhood Caretaker with Sara Hirsh Bordo (Episode #114)
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Sara Hirsh Bordo, award-winning filmmaker and author, to talk about how her autoimmune diagnoses are seemingly linked to her personal traumas and upbringing […]

Make Kindness Cool in Your Organization: Strategies to Make People WANT to Come in to Work with Jordan Birnbaum (Episode #113)
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Jordan Birnbaum, industrial/organizational psychologist, applied behavioral scientist, global consultant and author of the popular blog, “The Uncertainty Principal” on Psychology Today, to […]

The Blessing Effect: The Five Blessings and The Impact of Writing Them Down Daily with Sariel Beckenstein (Episode #112)
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Sariel Beckenstein, author, certified life coach and EFT (tapping) master practitioner, to talk about his newest book The Blessing Effect: Transform Your Life […]