Autism: The Vision Link

April is Autism awareness month.  Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction, social communication and varying cognitive, sensory and motor difficulties.  Research is showing many sensory/motor signs and symptoms with individuals on the ASD.

“The number of people being diagnosed with autism is way up, across the country and especially in Colorado. Data from the Centers for Disease Control show autism diagnoses nationwide jumped 23% from 2006 to 2008. In Colorado, it was 60% over the same period! To help us understand what the numbers mean, Dr. Nicole Tartaglia joins us. She’s a developmental pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Colorado.”

Click here to listen to the Colorado Public Radio Story.

Many parents, educators, physicians and therapists struggle looking for answers for people with ASD.  Treatments may include nutritional, occupational, speech therapy, medications, behavior modifications and the list goes on.

However, VISION, our dominant sense for learning is often over-looked.  Visual processing differences (not just 20/20 eyesight) are being found in many individuals diagnosed with ASD.  No surprise that many of these individuals have show excellent improvement with special lenses/prisms and vision therapy prescribed by developmental optometrists.

We support Autism Awareness month!  An on-line group:  have organized a 2012 Free On-line autism conference.  Click here to join the conference and learn more about autism and treatments.  Help your kids/adults with ASD achieve their goals more effectively and successfully!

An excellent article that reviews the vision research is included  here.  Vision in Autism Spectrum Disorders

By Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, Colorado Optometrist in Vision Therapy, Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Therapy


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