About Lynn Hellerstein

Expert in Visualization, Visioning, and Turning Dreams into Reality. Speaker & Author of multi-book awards & bestselling See It. Say It. Do It! A pioneer in vision therapy and developmental optometry, Dr. Lynn Hellerstein is the founder of Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, PC. For more than 40 years, she has helped thousands of children and adults improve their vision and transform their lives — at home, in the classroom and on the sports field.

Author Archive | Lynn Hellerstein

Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center

Dimensions in Sight Optical Trunk Show!

Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center are proud to announce our biggest yearly event… Dimensions in Sight Optical Trunk Show!

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New concussion treatments go beyond just resting in a dark room

  Article on concussion treatment in Washington Post 4-12-16 discussing when it is appropriate time to start rehabilitation treatment. ASAP or wait until symptoms reside????

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50 Tips To Improve Your Sports Performance

Want to Improve Your Sports Game? Experience Sports Vision Training

Most sports heavily rely on vision input. The eyes lead and the body follows.

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Dr. Lynn Hellerstein Presentation

Join us on March 31 for a groundbreaking seminar on visual processing by Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, O.D.!

Q: Who is Dr. Lynn Hellerstein O.D.? A: Dr. Lynn Hellerstein is a developmental optometrist who specializes in preventive and functional vision care, including vision therapy. She is a highly […]

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Uncorrected Farsightedness Linked to Literacy Deficits in Preschoolers

“A study funded by the National Eye Institute (NEI), part of the National Institutes of Health, has shown that uncorrected farsightedness (hyperopia) in preschool children is associated with significantly worse […]

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Concussion: How Your Vision Is Impacted

This free workshop presents the common visual problems association with traumatic brain injury.

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Dr. Lynn Hellerstein Interview

I am honored to have been interviewed by Women in Optometry. Watch the video below.

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The Power of Visualization

FREE Workshop at Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center PC. Experience how visualization can help your sports, academics and stress.

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Vision Therapy for 3D

Do You Experience Motion Sickness? Experience Vision Therapy

FREE Workshop at Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, PC. Experience why you or your friends get motion sick in the car or 3D Movies.

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Sock for the Homeless

5th Annual Sock It To Em Sock Campaign

Collecting socks for the homeless this winter.Bring your socks to Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center. In Jan. we will take all donations to homeless shelters.

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