About Lynn Hellerstein

Expert in Visualization, Visioning, and Turning Dreams into Reality. Speaker & Author of multi-book awards & bestselling See It. Say It. Do It! A pioneer in vision therapy and developmental optometry, Dr. Lynn Hellerstein is the founder of Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, PC. For more than 40 years, she has helped thousands of children and adults improve their vision and transform their lives — at home, in the classroom and on the sports field.

Author Archive | Lynn Hellerstein

King-Devick Test

New Information on Vision and Concussion

The research validated the King Devick test as a rapid sideline concussion test for youth athletes.

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Do It! (2)

See It. Say It. Do It!® Process – Part 3 Do It!

Does your child have great ideas, dreams, and visualizations, but sits on the sidelines, waiting for everything to be just right, or fearful that he may fail at the task

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Visual strategies  - Hodgon

Vision Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Why Do Behavioral Optometrists Collaborate with Speech/Language Therapists? Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in the US. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of disabilities characterized by significant […]

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Concussion: How Your Vision Is Impacted – FREE WORKSHOP

Common visual problems association with traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitative vision therapy treatment for patients with brain injury are presented.

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2014 Sant Antonio

I Am Grateful for My Life! – Top 5 Things I’m Grateful For!

Yes, I am very grateful for my life.

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Say It!  Declare It!

See It. Say It. Do It!® Process – Part 2 Say It!

Declare it—Say It is the second component of the See It. Say It. Do It!® Process.

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See It. Say It.. Do It!

See It. Say It. Do It!® Process – Part I Visualization

See It! The word, visualization, conjures up many images and meanings for people.

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See It. Say It. Do It!

See It. Say It. Do It!® Process

With the See It. Say It. Do It!® Process your child will discover a whole new world. Action will be taken in all areas of his or her life

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Vision Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder- NEW ARTICLE PUBLISHED!

Why do developmental optometrists collaborate with Speech/language pathologists?

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Is Your Child Visually Ready For School? Seeing Beyond 20/20

This webinar is loaded with information to help you spot the signs and symptoms of vision problems and learn about the link between vision and learning.

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