About Lynn Hellerstein

Expert in Visualization, Visioning, and Turning Dreams into Reality. Speaker & Author of multi-book awards & bestselling See It. Say It. Do It! A pioneer in vision therapy and developmental optometry, Dr. Lynn Hellerstein is the founder of Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, PC. For more than 40 years, she has helped thousands of children and adults improve their vision and transform their lives — at home, in the classroom and on the sports field.

Author Archive | Lynn Hellerstein


Beauty-Beyond What You See

We have the extraordinary privilege of have an equisite art exhibit at the Denver Botanical Gardens in Denver, CO. Denver Botanic Gardens presents the Rocky Mountain Region’s first major outdoor […]

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The Parent's & Teacher's Action Guide to Creating Successful Students & Confident Kids

Dr. Lynn Hellerstein Interviewed for See It. Say It. Do It!

Thanks to Cheri Ruskus from Victory Circles Radio Show for the great interview on See It. Say It. Do It! Last week on the radio show Dr. Lynn Hellerstein shared […]

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Convergence insufficieny

Studying May Make You Nearsighted- What a Surprise!

“The effect on myopia of the genetic variations is much less than the effect of education,”

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VL covd

Learning Problems Can Be in the Eyes: A Back-to-School Message

In preparation for the new school year, families around the world focus on making sure their children are ready to go back to school.

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Elementary school pupils running outside

Back to School…Are You Missing Something Important?

Then make sure your kids are ready to learn. Each student should have a complete vision evaluation by an O.D. (Doctor of Optometry).

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Visual Activities on Tablets (IPAD & Android)

Here is a list of visual activities that can be found on tablets.  This list grows daily! Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center does NOT recommend that kids spend hours on […]

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Back to school eye exams

Is Your Child Visually Ready For School? Seeing Beyond 20/20

Many children have 20/20 eyesight, yet 1 out of 4 children have vision problems. This impacts their school success, sports performance, and confidence

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Vision and Learning

CHILDREN’S VISION AND LEARNING MONTH -August! Proclaimed by the Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper

Therefore, I, John W. Hickenlooper, Governor of the State of Colorado, do hereby proclaim August 2014, CHILDREN’S VISION AND LEARNING MONTH

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concussion and vision

New Video On Concussion and Visual Consequences

Thanks to the Vision Help group for their new video on the Impact of Concussion on Vision.

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Outsmarting Autism

Coming to Denver is author Patricia S. Lemer, speaking about her new books, Outsmarting Autism: The ultimate Guide to Management, Healing and Prevention.

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