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Author Archive | annie

B's Ballpark Museum Gives a History Lesson

More great media coverage on B’s Ballpark Museum Grand Opening 9News with Sports Anchor, Drew Soicher.  Click here Still more to come…Other interviews include:  Channel 4, Fox, KOA, Espn.com

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Bs Ballpark Museum Hits a Homerun

Here are more articles/links to the media coverage and pictures for B’s Ballpark Museum VIP Grand Opening! More TV & radio interviews are scheduled.  Enjoy! Mile High Sports Daily Denver […]

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New See It Say It Do It Book Review

Thanks to Cat Lichtenbelt, author of Sensory Flow – A blog about sensory processing, for writing a great review of my book, See It. Say It. Do It! To read […]

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B's Ballpark Museum Grand Opening

A glorious event occurred on Mon. evening, July 19, 2010.  Bruce, “B” my husband, just had his VIP grand opening celebration of his “dream” … a ballpark museum.  Bruce has […]

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Author U – Dr Judith Briles Barbeque

Approximately 100 people from Author U attended the fun barbeque at Dr. Judith Briles house.  Judith was the book shepherd (coach) for my book, See It. Say It. Do It! […]

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No Brain Left Behind

The next Learning and the Brain Conference takes place in Boston in Nov, 2010.  I attended the Feb. 2010 conference.  It was fascinating…a mix of researchers, therapists, teachers and physicians. […]

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Sports Vision – "Putt Doctor" Local OD

Dr. Craig Farnsworth, friend and colleague who moved from Denver to CA, was featured in the Denver Post Sports Section this week.  “People have no clue about where they are […]

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Listen LIVE to Dr H Interview on 620AM In So Carolina

1:30PM ET – Gary Pozik, host will interview Dr. Lynn Hellerstein.  Topic will be vision & learning, and the impact of vision therapy. See It. Say It. Do It! The […]

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Radio Interview on Voices on the Net

Please check out today’s radio interview with “A Session with JJ” on VON (Voices on the Net), episode #65. Click here to read more and download the podcast.

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Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center Is a Winner!

The Colorado Parent magazine, a wonderful free resource for parents, just announced the Best of the Best- Family Favorites for 2010.  Last year, Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center PC was […]

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