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The Private Eye Goes Public- Parts 1,2,3

Drs. Fortenbacher & Press continue with providing great information on convergence insufficiency on their blog-The Private Eye Goes Public- Parts 1,2,3  Click here to read the entire blog.

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Consumer Reports on 3D Vision Problems

Consumer reports in their Health.org blog recommends the following: Bottom line: If you’ve experienced problems viewing 3D images, you’re better off going to 2D versions of movies and watching TV […]

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Dr. Susan Barry Interviewed on Terry Gross NPR program

Dr. Sue Barry tells how she achieved binocular vision after being told she was too old to do anything about her strabismus.  Sue, a neurobiologist, had been cross-eyed since early […]

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CI: The Private Eye Goes Public – Part 1

Thanks to Drs. Dan Fortenbacher & Len Press for their series on convergence insufficiency.  They speak to the question, “How could a child in the year 2010  be suffering from […]

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Free Webinar & Followup Q&A with Dr Hellerstein

Due to numerous requests from teachers, parents, therapists, patients and others, the webinars I presented in March 2010 on: See It. Say It. Do It! 20/20 is NOT Perfect Vision […]

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Staten Island Parent Magazine-Vision & Learning Month

Great article on Aug. Vision & Learning Month in the Staten Island Parent Magazine.  COVD is featured as the contact source and Dr. Lynn Hellerstein is quoted! Click here to […]

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Bs Ballpark Museum Attracts More Media

The excitement is growing!  Channel 9 returned for a longer story and Fox TV (31) or 13 on cable also did a wonderful story.  Click here for Channel 9 video […]

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A Mind Body Approach Through Nutrition

Why am I writing about nutrition in a vision blog?  I am a very strong believer that nutrition plays a significant role in our overall health and performance.  Many of […]

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August Is Vision & Learning Month-Is Your Child Ready For School

Wow, the summer is almost over.  Like it or not, its back to school time. Are your kids really ready for school?  Do they have one of the most important […]

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More Bs Ballpark Media Fun

Here are some links for media coverage of Bs Ballpark Museum’s opening.  Bruce Hellerstein, curator and my husband, has created great excitement not only in Denver but nationally as well. […]

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