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Danger! Be Careful with Those Green Laser Pointers!

Retina-Damaging Green Laser Pointers Easy To Get Online. Thanks to the AOA (American Optometric Association) for sharing this info: The New York Times (3/1, D5, Negroni) reports that “eye doctors around […]

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Visual Processing & Academics- New Course for CE

Calling all educators, parents, therapists, psychologists and other health-care professionals.  A new 7 hour course on: Visual Processing & Academics: New Strategies for Improving reading, Spelling & Creative Writing Skills […]

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Oprah Leaves Wrong Impression of Sensory Processing Disorder?

On Friday February 18th, The Oprah Winfrey Show had an “exclusive” story titled “The 7-Year-Old Who Tried to Kill his Mother.” A frightening, yet true story of young Zach and his […]

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How to Handle an Over-the-Top Temper?

Dr. Charlotte Reznick, psychologist and author of, Imagery for Kids, just published a great article in Psychology Today 2/8/11. She uses what she calls “the Imagination Tools” of: (1) Talking to […]

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Vision Screening Is Essential!

From Today’s Vision Monday…… PBA Says New Children’s Vision Screening Recommendation Aligns With Their Mission CHICAGO—Prevent Blindness America (PBA) has announced that it is aligning goals with a recent recommendation by […]

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Visualization A Key to Learning – Attend Learning & The Brain Conference

Join me, as one of the presenters at the Learning & the Brain Conference in Chicago, May 5-7, 2011.  I’m honored to have been selected as one of the featured […]

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3-D Vision: Drs. Oliver Sacks & Sue Barry Interview

Check out this must-see interview by Dr. Oliver Sacks, neurologist, with Dr. Sue Barry, vision scientist and author of her own book – Fixing my Gaze: A Scientist’s Journey into […]

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Take the Stair Climb- all 1098 of them! – Don't Miss Out!

Visualize & Breathe In Life! My daughter asked that I join her for the 2011 Fight for Air Climb Feb. 27 in Denver.  It is a fundraiser for the American […]

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An American Love Story

Jews in Baseball-An American Love Story – This beautiful movie was just shown as part of the JCC Film Festival in Denver, CO. B’s Ballpark Museum (our family non-profit baseball […]

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Vision Tips for A Perfect Season

Pitchers and catchers are reporting to spring training this week.  What better time to think about what you can do to improve this season.  “Keep your eyes on the ball.” […]

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