Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Dr. Tina Esposito, Medical Director for the Therapy Institute at the Midwestern University-Arizona College of Optometry. She talks about acquired brain injury, its identification, and the roles of vision, technology and collaborating with an interdisciplinary team for management and treatment.
Click here and tune in to the show now to explore:
- What is Acquired Brain Injury?
- The role of vision in diagnostics and rehabilitation of acquired brain injury
- Importance of identifying and helping patients who present with brain injury
- How we can best provide care to these individuals regardless of our background
- Conventional vs. new treatments and how technology plays a role in treatment
- The CAREN system for advanced clinical evaluation, analysis, and rehabilitation
- What does intercollaborative care look like and how it benefits patients
Dr. Christina “Tina” Esposito grew up in Brooklyn, New York, with two other siblings (she is the oldest) and moved to Arizona for high school. She graduated from the University of Arizona in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science degree in General Biology. She earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from the Arizona College of Optometry in 2013, as a member of the inaugural class, and then served as a Vision Therapy/Rehabilitation resident at the Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee.
Following her residency, she returned to the Arizona College of Optometry where she saw patients in the Acquired Brain Injury and Rehabilitation Clinics at the Midwestern University Eye Institute. She served as the clinical care coordinator for the Pediatrics and Vision Therapy department on campus and have recently acquired the role of Medical Director for the Therapy Institute.
Dr. Tina is a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry (FAAO) in addition to the College of Optometrists in Vision Development.
Lastly, she has two daughters Aurora (6) and Aria (2), who keep each day exciting and full of adventure!
Connect with Dr. Tina Esposito and Midwestern University-Arizona College of Optometry Therapy Institute:
“Patients just like to have this idea of knowing that it’s not like it’s gonna happen overnight or in 3 sessions and they’re gonna be better. Being able to keep them involved in the treatment and management and what that timeline looks like and how we’re progressing is helpful for their overall anxiety and motivation to want to continue.” – Dr. Tina Esposito
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Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, Developmental Optometrist, co-owner of Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, P.C., award-winning author and international speaker, holds powerful and inspiring conversations with her guests in the areas of health, wellness, education, sports and psychology. They share their inspirational stories of healing and transformation through their vision expansion. Vision Beyond Sight Podcast will help you see with clarity, gain courage and confidence. Welcome to Vision Beyond Sight!
Dr. Lynn’s books are available at Amazon.com and www.lynnhellerstein.com/shop.
Dr. Lynn is available for speaking engagements and consulting. For more information, visit www.lynnhellerstein.com.
To learn more about vision therapy or to find a doctor providing vision therapy in your area, visit: COVD.org.
To learn more about vision and the impact in concussion/brain injury, visit: Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association.
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